Friday, July 3, 2020

Interpersonal Communication and Technology - 275 Words

Interpersonal Communication and Technology (Essay Sample) Content: Interpersonal Communication and Technology [Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees] [Institutional Affiliation(s)] Author Note [Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.] Interpersonal Communication and Technology Interpersonal (face-to-face) communication is on the verge of being rendered useless by the current society. This occurrence is due to the emergence of communication technologies such as text messaging and social media CITATION Tur15 \l 1033 (Turkle, 2015). Surprisingly, the new communication technologies are becoming bolder in the presence of face-to-face conversation. Many people today feel free to use their phones while engaging in conversations CITATION Rai15 \l 1033 (Rainie Zickuhr, 2015). 89% of mobile phone owners admit to using those devices in social gatherings. Additionally, 82% of adult cellphone owners admit using them in social gatherings, which they believe hurt their face-to-face conversions CITATION Rai15 \l 1033 (Rainie Zickuhr, 2015). This paper demonstrates the effects of communication technology on interpersonal communication and advocate for more use of interpersonal communication as the best communication method. Communication technologies divert people's attention limiting their ability to engage fully in face-to-face conversions. Young people have devised a "rule of three" where by, so long as three people in a group are listening to speaker in a conversation, others have the freedom to chat on their phones CITATION Tur15 \l 1033 (Turkle, 2015). This results in the group engaging in light conversations which people can easily drop in at any time. Light conversations are not effective in discussing weighty issues where people have different opinions and are trying to learn from each other. Communication technologies are destroying communication among family members that existed during the face-to-face conversations. Today, during meal times, parents and family members have their phones. Families attend parks and sports events with phones CITATION Rai15 \l 1033 (Rainie Zickuhr, 2015). Families do not have time to talk to one another. They spend most of the time chatting with other people CITATION Tur15 \l 1033 (Turkle, 2015). This limits the families' abilities to know one another which is usually only revealed through interpersonal communication. Communication technologies make people less interested in those around them. Communication technologies are eroding our ability to detect and feel other people life situations. There is erosion of empathy. A 2010 study by the University of Michigan found that empathy had eroded by 40% among college students in the last three decades CITATION Tur15 \l 1033 (Turkle, 2015). Interpersonal communication enables us to study a person's a tone and posture, and to even challenge one another respectfully CITATION Tur15 \l 1033 (Turkle, 2015). Communication technologies do not provide for studying such aspects of communication. If they do, they are not to the same level as Interpersonal communication. Communication technologies do not offer individual time to communicate with one self. People shift ...

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